
And no one made me.

It's been overcast, cloudy and rainy in San Diego. It's beautiful! What a spectacular shade of gray. (And I'm not being sarcastic...)

I'm proud of myself because I've been reading more. You know, reading for fun. Yeah, all by myself. But I'm afraid that my drive to read will fade away as I become busy with numerous school-related activities. Such as "reading" for class. Which begins with me actually doing the reading, and telling myself, "This year, I'm going to do all the readings on time. I'm on track!"


I'm going to end this post here--and not go into the fact that the world is at war again...how did we get here? Why are humans so selfish? Ahhh....I'll stop there before I drain myself of life.

Let me just relish in the fact that the sky is delightfully gray. And it is a gray that is calm and peaceful...and not the fatally morbid gray that hangs over the middle east today.

Ohhh, one more thing...Leave Mel Gibson alone!! So he made some mistakes. Yeah, his comments were un-called for. But you know you can't be mad at the man...you love Mel. Come on, you know it. Mad Max just got a little...mad.


  1. What are you reading, Ash? And I don't think I ever got that email explaining what is going on over in the Middle East. It doesn't have to be so detailed. A general summary is okay.

  2. Go and read "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt! Read it now, 'cause I said so! (my German genes sometimes make me order people around... I apologize!)

  3. hahaha, sonya!

    well, I him...

  4. Mel has always had a wild eyed look to me, but thats probably the Jews fault...
