
Unfolding a Mystery

So, I was talking to one of Sweater Guy's friends last night, but Sweater Guy wasn't there. I just happen to visit that house a lot.

Anyway, he decided to ask me if I was into any of the guys at his house.

I answered, "Come on now, isn't it obvious? You know who I like in your house."

"No, who?"

"I've always thought Carlos is cute. You knooooooooow that," I answered (knowing FULL well that I think he's more than "cute").

"Yeah, but don't you know he has a girlfriend?" Asked the friend.

"What?!" I shouted, with panic written on my face.

"Just Kidding...he doesn't!" I slapped him, hard...to which he countered, "You really like him, don't you?"

I said, "Well, it's been on and off. There was a period where we weren't talking to each other. I don't know."

"Well to be honest," he seriously said, "I don't know if Carlos is in a place for a relationship. I think he has A LOT of other stuff going on in his life that is keeping him busy at the moment...really big things."

I nodded, because I knew it was true, and said "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, actually."

Cause it does make sense...he's never been on the same page as me!

I'm not sharing this conversation because I'm dissapointed or sad...but obviously I still care. I still hold onto my want to just become his friend. Cause at least I'll have a friend out of the deal.

And...people SHOULD NOT play mean jokes on me like the one mentioned above. That is NOT OKAY.


  1. Hmm... you may have just planted a seed there. Wait and see if it grows. :)

  2. Wow, that's quite a left hook you have there. I guess he was pretty sorry after that.

  3. awww pug angel, even reading it I was like WHAT THE HECK? SINCE WHEN?

    Then I kept reading and calmed down...man that's a mean thing to do!

    Sorry bout the boy, you will find one that's on your page, :) hope he finds you!

  4. I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » » »
