
Freaky Thursday

So...I just found out about the plan that was devised to blow up the U.S. with planes...yet again.

How depressing!! I swear, I have no qualms about the United States not being powerful...I really wish that I didn't live in the most powerful country. Because, come on now kids, how does every great power lose their power? They FALL. They destroy themselves. Or get destroyed by others.

Power is...unnecessary.

I will always remember the great quote about power from Abe Lincoln. I've always thought it was a smart quote. It says:

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."


  1. Someone needs to figure out what is so miserable about being the child of Pakistani immigrants living in England. The UK is a great place to live. I just don't understand where all of this hate and willingness to die for the hate comes from. I suspect it's a combination of boredom and ignorance. These kids are influenced by screwed up Imams. I say we get them into an afterschool program that doesn't include summer camp with the Taliban.
