
For the love of God!!!

Ok...I just need to clear my throat on this. I didn't think I'd be bringing up Sweater Guy again on here, but I guess I'm going to.

He calls me today, right? Totally out of the blue to "see how I was doing." Where the hell did that come from?

Why are guys confusing?? Why can't they just. make. up. their. minds. Is it that hard? When I liked Sweater Guy he seemed more distant. Is he coming back because I'm distant? Does he want to be buddy/buddy with me?

I'm not agonizing over this, I'm just confused. Dude. This seriously makes me laugh.

Ok, I gotta write an essay now, but I just wanted to amuse everyone with this little story.


  1. Haha, I'm amuzed Ashley!!! Oh Sweater Guy...

  2. Oh .... (sweater) guys! Just appear not to be interested anymore and they are back at your heels just like that. ;) So friggin' transparent. Have you read Bridget Jones' Diary? "Aloof, unavailable Ice Queen!" :)

  3. I would ask him out on a date.

  4. Sweater Guy misses you.

  5. Maybe he wanted to ask about the pillow fights...

    (I swear that's the last one...LOL)

  6. "Is he coming back because I'm distant?" - - Yep!
