
Just Crush Me

Man, life has the ability to give you the loneliest feelings EVER. The scariest feelings EVER. To where you can't help but cry, no matter where you're walking...which makes you look like a complete freak when you're hurrying to class.

I've gotten better at controlling my emotions this week. I'm just holding onto the hope that my dad will be ok, that I will be ok, no matter what.


About Egyptian Guy...I can say all I want that if he dates this other girl I'll have to accept it, blah blah blah, he just didn't like me enough, blah blah blah, there's nothing left for me to do but just wait and see what he does, blah-dy blah blah.

Yeah, that's logical, I know.

But the truth is, I want him to take my hand, and tell me that the other girl is not important (not as important as me, that is), and just give me a big hug, and hold me. And then when this daydream plays over and over in my mind...I realize that I've been watching too many romantic comedies. And life hardly ever works out that way.

But I'm sure I've said this before...this is why a crush is called a "crush." It's not exactly an endearing/lovely term. But it's oh-so-fitting.


  1. I'm probably not your number one source of comfort, ashlobe, but we've all been there. you'll get over him, and be better off for it.

  2. ashlobe, huh? haven't heard that one before...

  3. Are there any other guys out there worth your time?

    To be fair, this guy did already like someone else, so that's the main problem with this situation; he's already stuck on someone, and that's nearly impossible to break apart.

    But, in general, aren't people always stuck on somebody else?

  4. yes anthony, and it's completely annoying.
