
Pulling through, and laughing on the way.

It's cloudy this morning. But I'm fond of clouds...

I'm doing alright, for anyone that wants to know. The only way to get through frantic/sad times is to simply have support. And to relate with other people. I don't care what people say: no matter how technologically advanced we get in this world, no matter how much we could live in our homes and never leave the front door...people will always be social beings. People NEED people. That has been my realization in the last month. The only way to get out of sadness or a rut is with helping hands pulling you out of it.

I have support. I have those hands to lift me up.


On a different note...I still have a crush on the Egyptian boy. It's noooot gonna fade anytime soon. Which is funny cause now I get text messages from Sweater Guy saying "You make me smile...I love seeing you."

Guys are utterly ridiculous. RIDICULOUS.

1 comment:

  1. They are all SOOOOO ridiculous! And... I love clouds too.
