
ohhhhhh mondays...

what can I say about mondays besides that they kill me sometimes?

I'm listening to "No Rain" by Blind Melon right now. Most people can agree that it is in fact a fabulous song.

And I don't understand why I sleep all day
and I start to complain that there's no rain
and all I can do is read a book to stay awake
and it rips my life away
but its a great escape

Sometimes I just want to escape...into the sunset, into the rain...into a place that's a colorful solace.

On a happier-non-complaining note, it's my birthday this saturday and I will be 22. I'm going to a 50's-ish diner and requiring that all the girls going with me will have to wear dresses. Just because. :)


  1. Happy pre-birthday, and don't forget your poodle skirt!

  2. Ok, Turkey...we all think you should post more pics.

  3. What dress are you wearing, Ash?

  4. Today's your birthday! Happy birthday, Ashley!

  5. Happy Birthday. Wow, this year went by fast!!

    P.S. - I am no fan of Mondays, either.

  6. Hi Ashley!
    First time here. Visited from Ashley's blog. :)

    Hmmm, I am too late, but better late than never: Happy (belated) Birthday! Hopr you had a great day.

