
Call Girl

No, I'm not becoming one. But just listen to my story...

I went to jury duty today, right? I didn't even get called (whew!); however, an interesting event did occur. I started to talking to an older man next to me and noticed that he had an accent. So my inquisitive side urged me to ask, "Where are you from?"

Man: Turkey.

Me: Ohhhhh, my mom is from Turkey too!!

So of course for the next 30 minutes we talked about Turkey (gosh I love that place). Then, this man brought up his son.

Man: You know, my son would like you...a lot. He's a good looking boy. Can I have your number so my son can call you?

Me: Excuse me?

Well...I couldn't say no. I just find it funny that fathers have the nerve to pimp out their sons to random girls in the jury duty lounge.

I'm still laughing over this. I'll laugh even more if he calls.


  1. Ooooh, this could be promising!

  2. hilarious. The guy is probably horrified that his father got some girl's number for him!

  3. Dammit! I lost my jury summons - had I known it was the untapped source of meeting guys.... (lol)
