
Natural Born Players

I started my first day at the Children's Center. I'm not a substitute, I actually have a position there now.

It's funny working with children and seeing their little personalities at such a young age...thus imagining what they will be like as adults. The boys are the best to watch--there are the clingy ones, the lovers, etc. One little boy with beautiful green/gold eyes and amazingly long eyelashes hung out with me today. To top it off he was a golden tan little mexican boy named Juanito. I WANT MULTICULTURAL CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!

What? They're adorable!

In other news, one of my very best friends, Jaclyn, is moving to Tennesse. She's gonna be too far away...ahhhhh! But I'm not too sad about it, cause I know that she will be a friend that will always be in my life. We're good at keeping in touch :) We're also really good at being big weirdos. haha, eh...that's life.


  1. Hey it's Rach! Congrats on the job at the Children's Center! That's exciting! And boo that Jaclyn is moving so far away! Why Tennesee? Yuck!

  2. Hahaha. Every girl I know what multiracial children. Don't feel alone.

  3. Very sad that your friend is moving away... Multiracial children are soooo cute, rest assured, you are not alone!

  4. Congratulations on your new job. Working with children is sometimes very fulfilling.

  5. Btw, I am a multicultural person.
