
Better Days

Yay...ok so my roomie and I bought a X-mas tree yesterday. It was the first Xmas tree we've ever bought on our own. And we're decorating the ornaments for it (with glitter puffy paint!). Soon I will have pictures when it is completely decorated. And it will look magnificent!

Ok, update on my "situation." Well, I had a really hard time this week with the thought of not being J's friend at all. Like, A REALLY hard time. And maybe I should have just waited it out longer...well, yeah, that's a given. But, I contacted him, and we had another talk...and I told him that it would make me feel better to see him every now and then within a group context--something like once a month.

I think this might be the best solution for someone that I used to see EVERYDAY. And I feel more at ease.

Eh, it's not like I really know how to navigate this insane ride of life. But I try and hope for the best.


  1. We have all probably been there before so let us know if you need any advice, Ash.

  2. Ash,
    sounds like a good plan! :) Sometimes you just can't go cold turkey! and hopefully it works out for the best! I can't believe you got a christmas tree! how fun! :)

  3. I am still reading. You miss him. I know how that goes. It will pass later than sooner.

  4. Good luck with this decision - but remember not to force your feelings of being friends again before you are ready. Stay in your comfort zone :)

  5. Btw, the new picture is a good one.
