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There's a part of me that longs to be free
Away with the wind, far away from him.
Sometimes I try to hold back the tears
all the foolish fears
that life will never get better,
that the flood will only get wetter.

And sometimes I think,
I've forgotten how to wink.
How to laugh, how to smile.

Too many feelings come
then you start becoming numb
wishing that you'll never feel again.

But in the end
I know
that hope always grows,
and you can't keep a heart depressed,
mine's too strong to suppress.

It beats in hopes to be glad
to pump out all the sad
to see the living green,
purple, turquoise and inbetween.

To get out of a colorless world,
to become, once again, a whole girl.
And soon you'll see
that I'll return back,
back to the old me.


  1. You are writing alot of poetry these days...you know, you remember when I wrote a lot of poetry, I was incredibly sad, and felt like my heart was breaking. I know that poetry helped to ease the tension I felt, and in the stressfulness I jotted out some writing I am really proud of. It looks like you're on your way to having a good collection. I like the way you are expressing yourself right now.

    If you really want to feel better, can I interest you in writing a sonnet? I can tell you all you need to know. It's worth the time, my dear; all that concentration on your creative writing is good for you.
