
Gettin' By

I'm drinking some coffee with Peppermint Mocha creamer in it. Mmmmm. Starbucks, eat your heart out!

Going to a play tonight, By the Bog of Cats. It's an adaptation of the Greek tragedy Medea. Should be good, hopefully.

I do better everyday in life. I truly get by with a little help from my friends (thanks to the Beatles). I'm doing well right now. Remembering that life is precious and valuable. Sometimes, I forget that. Sometimes, we all forget that.


  1. I have heard that that is a great play. Let us know.

  2. it is a great play, actually! Sad of course (Greek Tragedies for 100, Alex)but very good.

  3. I have peppermint mocha creamer too hahaha! I love that the WHOLE thing of creamer costs as much as ONE starbucks peppermint mocha. ha!
