
Three-Year Itch

Soooooo...exactly 3 years ago today I stared this here little blog.

Why the hell did I start a blog???? I don't really know the answer...haha.

This week has actually gone better than I assumed it would. Assuming is bad. Our fears exaggerate reality. Ashley will be less stressed in weeks to come, at least she will try to be. Ashley is talking about herself in the 3rd person. Ashley has, indeed, gone crazy.

Happy anniversary to me (me and my blog, we got a relationship)!!!


  1. This is one of the blogs I have been reading the longest too.

  2. A blog is no fun without a little insanity thrown in.

    3 years? Wow. I've only been going since October (if you include the time I was on Myspace). It'd be nice to still be writing here 3 years from now, since I can't seem to commit to anything for very long at the moment.

  3. 3 years? Damn. Well, to me, you're only a few weeks old. Because I only "discovered" you a few weeks ago. And, of course, nothing exists until I know about it.

    Seriously, though, I'm not really that egotistic. Hee.

    Happy Blogiversary!

  4. I am so glad you stuck around. Happy aniversary, mia amica del "weblog". E il maggior weblog che ho leggo ancora e sempre.

  5. awwww, thanks anthony and all.

    Wouldn't it be funny if we were all blogging until we were 50, 60...until who knows when?

  6. Yikes on that last comment, Ashley... but you never know! :)


  7. Well if you're going to be with a blog that long you might as well marry it.
