
Ashley Pocket...

...is my new name for now (given to me by the great Jim Gaffigan). The show was AMAZING. And my favorite new joke was about circumcision (go figure). Yes, that's right, Jim can make circumcision damn funny.

We didn't get to take a picture with Jim (the Wiltern Theatre wouldn't let us, sad face), but we did get to meet him and got signatures on our shirts, Exhibit A:

And the front of our shirts:

The back of our shirts said "This is sticky without pants on." ( A quote made by Jim that sounds more awkward than it actually is). The backs also said "ri-dic-ulous" in small letters.

Anyway, Ashley Pocket is signing out cause she's tired from all the events of the weekend/today! But I just wanted to provide you all with a few photos of my enchanted evening with Mr. Bologna Gaffigan himself :)


  1. theatre wouldn't allow pictures with him? weak!

  2. I know!!!!! Next time though, I'll go to another one of his shows, fo sho.

  3. You know what I love? That cartoon, PALE FORCE, that he made with Conan O'Brian. That's hysterical!

  4. I've never heard of him before, sounds entertaining though.

  5. hahaha, yeah, I noticed that sunfollower. I turned to my friend, Ali, who is from L.A. and asked "Ummm, we're in the ghetto, huh?"

  6. I love Jim Gaffigan.

    I think it's something to do with being a dorky Catholic white kid with blond hair from Indiana.

  7. Great even a d-bag like Gaffigan has more groupies than me. I guess I'll just have to be OK with being cooler than Michael Ian Black for now.
