
Do I Overanalyze?

Hey...its been a little while, hasn't it? I'm a little tired, so I won't be writing too long, but an update needs to happen, so here we go...

First thing I must say: I HIGHLY recommend Role Models, if you haven't seen it yet. Paul Rudd has always been one of my favorites, and this movie totally showcases his talent. This was a funny movie done well, unlike other funny movies that have been coming out recently, like Superbad, which was way overdone and overhyped. Role Models didn't over do any one joke, wasn't too crude, didn't rely on lots of cussing...it was just a great comedy. GO SEE IT.

Second thing I must say: My date went pretty well, actually. I even got flowers! And a walk on the pier. He thought it out and I was impressed. He even expressed feelings for me and assured me that he was willing to wait, after I said "You need to be patient with me..."

And why would I say that to such a great guy? I don't know...I think I'm honestly a little confused over what to feel for him. I already know how great of a guy he is, he's proven that over the two years we have been friends. Part of me thinks that maybe our connection doesn't go much further than the friend level. Part of me thinks that I'm just over-analyzing, yet again, and things like this have to grow over time. Part of me knows I'm comparing him too much to the connection I had with J--which was indeed close and passionate in a lot of ways, but also agonizing at the same time.

I think too much. I scare myself out of real relationships often, and set myself up for relationships that can never work or self-destruct (like J).

So I'm really trying to leave my analyzing on the side as much as I can. And I'm continuing to hang out/date him to see where this might go. Cause I know what some of your comments might say for this post. Something to the effect of "relax" and "things will happen naturally if they are meant to..." and all that jazz that makes sense.

Looks like I wrote a long-ish post after all. Feel free to share any long-ish or short-ish comments...


  1. There is NEVER anything wrong with writing a long weblog post. NEVER.

    Yes, you overanalyze. I'm glad you had a good date.

    By the way, watch "The Big O" starring Paul Rudd and my fave indie actress (well, used to be indie, anyways), Parkey Posey. Just watch it, don't even ask, just do as I say!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Argh, I keep double posting my comments! And now a 3rd!

  4. haha, anthony...haven't figured out how to work blogger yet? :)

    I know I over anazlyze *nervous laughter*

    and YES SIR. I will see that movie SIR.

  5. Maybe you need to be patient with yourself as well. I keep telling myself that every time I get in a dating situation and then run away.

    Take it slow and see where things go.

    Hey, that rhymed! I rule.

  6. you do rule, frankie :) and yet again, you are correct.

  7. YAY for good dates! and I'm right there with you on the ability to over analyze :) if only we could bottle that stuff up, we'd be rich!!!

    Can't wait to see how it turns out for you... (does he have equally thoughtful single friends? I'm avail ;) lol)

    hope your thanksgiving was fantastic!

  8. From one over-analyzer to another - HIGH FIVE!
