
Hello, Sexy Vampire Boy

Alright, alright, alright...so I gave into seeing Twilight. And my inner thirteen-year-old self was damn happy that I did.

Although a few scenes brought about some eye rolls and straight up laughter, there were a lot of sighs and "Wow, that vampire is HOT." That vampire's name is Robert Pattinson, and he was the same actor that had me saying "Wow, that Cedric is HOT," when I watched Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire years ago.

In case you haven't seen this guy's picture plastered over magazines lately, here he is:
AND wait, what's that about him being English? Talk about perfection. Well, eh, I assume that he's probably a cocky arse in real life.

Anyway, if you go and see Twilight, you may find it over-the-top cheesy; even so, there is a part of you that will love it for it's Shakespeare-esque idea of a true and pure love. Even those of us that have been jaded by love in the past can still believe that there is a good kind of love out there. This movie simply plays on that small belief.

Yeah, I choose to still believe in love...if the guy is something like a Mr. Darcy, or Edward Cullen.


  1. He's a friend of my brother's. Just saying =)

    Jax x

  2. haha...is he a nice guy in real life? Cause I feel like guys THAT hot are nothing but into themselves. Not all guys, but most.

  3. Apparently he's a really nice guy, at least that was what my brother said when he got the part in Harry Potter =)

    Jax x

  4. that guy is definitely high.

  5. Never trust a guy who doesn't have to do even a little work to bed a woman.

  6. Dreamy... although I prefer Australians over British boys...

  7. Cedric Diggory is dead to me.

  8. jackie--oh, your brother was in harry potter? what was his role??

    matt--I agree. haha.


    vampire vixen--I still love the aussies!! don't get me wrong :)

    mjenks--well yeah. haha. he is dead.

  9. Can he be double-dead to me, then?

  10. YES! i believe in Mr. Darcy and Edward Cullen...(i sound like i am talking about santa! haha) Chivalrous, romantic, dreamy, sweet and totally perfect. haha.

    Suprisingly, Rob Pattinson doesn't seem like an arse! In the interviews I have that I have seen he seems humble and almost blind-sided by his sudden crazy rise to fame. He is now a multimillionare-10 millon for the next twilight!! Jeez.

    I love the series, it is such a true love story...(even with the whole vampire thing haha) I adore it. <3

  11. can you tell i had a final today? " In the interviews I have that I have seen he seems humble"

    and i deleted my first comment due to a million spelling errors. cute.

    :) See you soon pug angel! I come down Dec 27th!!!!!

  12. http://sitemaker.umich.edu/psy457_tizzle/files/michael_copon.jpg
    Ummm how can they just keep finding these hot men!?? *fans self*

  13. yes that is the new jacob!!!!! they are gettin rid of that other kid. and we have to see it if it is still in theatres (theaters*?)


  14. How old is he anyway? 18? Not for me. I'll take Colin Firth and Ralph Fiennes and Clive Owen for my hot British guy fix -- even if they are all getting old...

  15. Ha, no, my brother wasn't in Harry Potter, he just knew Robert Pattinson and when he (Robert) got the part in HP my brother (not in HP) told me that he was a really nice guy (Robert, not my brother). Confusing enough?

    I think he's a little younger than my brother and a little older than me, so 22/3?

    Jax x
