
What's All This Fuss Over Vampires?

Since I enjoyed the movie, I decided to give the book a try. I'm talking about Twilight, of course. I haven't finished reading all of it (I'm half-way through), but I know enought to give a review.

Let's start with the author, Stephanie Meyer, who gets a little verbose in some of her descriptions (how many times are you gonna describe what the beach looked like? And stop talking about the clouds, for God's sake). Then again, I've never been one for long landscape/weather descriptions (that includes you, John Steinbeck). Some of her descriptions of Edward, for instance, are laughable:

"His hair was dripping wet, disheveled--even so, he looked like he just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel."

Really, Stephanie...really? But the same quote that makes me roll my eyes is also where the author gets it right.

As much as I think this excerpt is stupid, juvenile even, this is how girls think. Stephanie is a master at unveiling a girl's mind. That is what makes Twilight addictive to tweens, teens and twenty-somethings alike. Heck, even a middle-aged woman could appreciate this book. Because internally, girls revert back to their 14-year-old giggly, pathetic selves when they have a crush on a boy. In other words, boys make us stupid.

And Bella, the main character, is everywoman, if you will. She is ordinary, clumsy, sarcastic, unsure and insecure. Yep, that about sums up a lot of girls.

What makes this book more than addicting is the fact that Edward (the perfect vampire boy) is madly in love with the ordinary girl. It's a fantasy that plays out in every girl's head.

So, it's no Jane Austen. And Edward is no Mr. Darcy. Meyer's characters are not as multi-dimensional as an Austen novel. However, the book is endearing in its own way. And it's a story where the underdog triumphs in life...hey, I can't complain about that.

Am I slightly addicted? Yeah, I'll admit this guilty pleasure of mine.



    I got tired within a few pages of her writing style, but girls can't get enough of it!

  2. I'll take your word for it...I'd rather give up bacon than ever touch that book!

  3. Oh Ashley, you hit this right on the nose! :)

    The Twilight books are not meant to make you think, or open your eyes, or to be anything new and amazing!

    It is, just as you put it a way to revert back to your stupid tweeny days when you liked the "perfect guy"

    The books are purely just entertaing and romantic :) which is why I love them, completely mindless! yay.

  4. Is this book good enough to cause all this wild vampire bedlam that seems to be going around?? No foolin', it seems that the number of vampire tweens I see each time I go out to get my Christmas shopping done increases like three-fold.

  5. I can't believe you read the book AFTER you saw the movie!! I can say that the rest of the books aren't nearly as addiciting as the first though.

  6. jidai--as a representaive for a girl, we are weird. We like lots of stuff that isn't good for us, haha.

    frank--I figured you would say that Frank...but please stop saying that you hate Jane Austen, because she's ACTUALLY good!

    Rachel--you and I are on the same wavelength :) Love you!

    Toastie--sport some fangs and those tweens will be all over you! Oh wait, maybe that's illegal.

    anthony--don't!! haha...you're much too smart for these books! Like xstiticher said, they are mindless.

    felicia--really? Well I'll continue reading just to see...The fourteen-year-old in me is intrigued. Yeah, I read the book after the movie...I know, I know, mortal sin.

  7. Elves don't eat snowflakes in the movie, but who doesn't eat snowflakes??? When it's snowing look up to the sky and open your mouth! yum!

  8. keep reading the books, the first one is the best!! The most addicting and amazing.

    The second one is hard to get through, only because it makes you say "WHAT IS GOING ON??"

    3 and 4 get better and better! :) And the end...well I will let you decide for yourself!

  9. Are you going to read the other "Twilight" books, Ash?

  10. yeah, well I have to now. Once I've started I can't just stop.
