
MLK Jr., Thanks for the good weekend.

This weekend consisted of:
  • Strolling around Coronado on a beautifully perfect day (it was something like 75 degrees with a slight breeze...ahhh). Coronado is my second favorite place to go to in SD.
  • Having a sand fight with Ali and her friend Scott. Who is now my friend Scott who rubbed sand in my face (how nice).
  • Having Scott ask me "Are you trying to make me fall in love with you?" referring to my song choices on the Juke Box. *nervous laughter* Uh, no, Scott. I just really like playing "Living On a Prayer" and "One Headlight" when I'm at bars, that's all.
  • Playing free pool at that bar!! I feel like I'm always having to pay for pool now-a-days.
  • Making an AWESOME shot to get the 8-ball in and win the game. I am, indeed, a baller.
  • Watching Mamma Mia!
  • Having Mamma Mia! songs stuck in my head all damn weekend.
  • Playing Mamma Mia! songs at the bar to torture other people. If I have to suffer, so do you!!
  • Helping Ali with her boy problems. Ali is boy crazy (or just crazy?), so this is a full time job.
  • Spending time with good friends over some beers and guilty-pleasure musicals. Simply priceless.
And after a good weekend, of course I came back to Bush leaving and Obama speaking beautifully (yay for GOOD speeches from presidents).

But why can't 3-day weekends be...longer? Like, why can't they be 4-day weekends? I'm just greedy.

I just can't seem to wake up today.

♫ Listening to "Letter to Elise" by The Cure ♫


  1. That reminds me...someone stole my Wallflowers CD a long time ago and I never replaced it.

  2. Well, three day weekends were created by the "MAN" who wants to give us a feeling that we aren't just tools in his grand scheme.

  3. Hmmm, she's boy crazy, eh?

    *slicks back hair, pops collar*

  4. *yawn* Me either.

    Sand fight? That sounds knarly. Living on a prayer? I might have asked you the same too, love that song!

  5. mjenks--that's what itunes is for!!

    jidai--well, that was depressing...but true (insert sad face).

    frank--all you gotta do is move over here and I will introduce you. hehe.

    rm--glad we share a love of a bon jovi classic. :)

  6. i was going to have to take away points for the wallflowers, but there's redemption in that last line. :)

    ahh, the cure.

  7. rd--you don't like "one headlight?" REALLY? I kinda love that song.

    Good thing we'll always agree on two loves--the Cure and our favorite movie :)
