
My Lovers

My two greatest celebrity crushes (yes, I realize how much of a teenager I still am) are Justin Timberlake and Paul Rudd. They are the two hilarious, beautiful, hot men I could give up my moral code for.

So HOW STOKED was I two see my two (future) lovers in an SNL skit together?!?

Now, I'm sure some of you have seen this video from SNL. I've only seen clips up until now...here's the whole video:

How can you not love those two?


  1. Easy. I'm too busy loving Leelee Sobieski and Amy Adams.

  2. mjenks--Leelee Sobieski?! That takes me back to teen flicks I used to love (hello Never Been Kissed!)

    jay--That's what I'm talkin' bout!

  3. this was so funny! i couldnt stop laughing!! if you get a chance, watch justin @ the espys---all of a sudden, our boy got funny!!

  4. I've seen that before, so effing hilarious. I love when Justin acts like a fairy.

  5. I'm more of a Zooey Deschanel person myself.

  6. I love Paul Rudd too!! And that skit was hilarious.

  7. Hey!
    #1: The contest is for the smallest monogram embroidered pillow. What i made is totally awesome. The contest ends Tuesday and I found out on friday if i even placed haha.
    #2: I never look at my profile, I am not even sure what i have on their!
    #3: that tea I was supposed to remind you about is called Rainforest Green-Lemon Mate Myrtle Green. Made by Numi Tea. www.numitea.com It is the only tea I have ever had just straight, no sugar, no nothing. Sometimes a lil bit of honey is good. It's awesome. Now I just need to order some!

  8. damnit. I spelled "their" who does that??? jeez.. that is the second time this week I have done that!!! I hate people who do that. ******there*******

  9. I adore Paul Rudd !
    Thanks for posting this.

  10. Justin is killing me. Have you seen Alpha Dog, by the way? It's really, really good. About a group of posers who get caught up in their bull****. Justin T. does a wonderful job.

    Also, looking back at the comments, I have to agree with you and Frank: Zooey Deschanel is beautiful.
