
No Satisfaction

Ugh. Today was not such a great day.

The rugrats at school were in a violent mood--one kid picked up a chair to throw at another kid in anger...yeah, it was that bad. The whole day was just like that.

After being exhausted, I should have went home, but I went to that record release party I mentioned in a twitter (to your right). The event was fine, but my attitude was not fine; therefore, a million people kept asking, "What's wrong?" and saying, "You're not acting like yourself..."

Do I always have to be happy? Geez.

Yeah, I know, I know. They care, so they ask. blah blah blah. But I'm a person that doesn't want to "share my feelings" when I'm upset.

haha, can you tell my bad mood is not quite gone?

I guess this dissatisfaction is also a result of the mini-freak out I have about my life every month or so...as in, what am I going to do with my life? Where am I heading? Why do I feel I am at a standstill?

I give myself headaches and I need to stop writing and go to bed. And, I need chocolate.



  1. Sorry you can't get no... at this time. No no no.

    People always want you to be happy all the time, for them. Screw them. You just got off of work!

    On a lighter note, how was the record that was released at the party? Any good?

  2. Me too, I don't talk about bad feelings. I am a swallow it done, wallow in your sorrow and give yourself a kidney stone while you're at it kind of person, too. :)
    Don't worry it'll blow over.
    You're still young, you'll find a guiding star soon enough.

  3. That'll teach you to let them play Jerry Springer.

  4. anthony--I was there to support an acquaintance...the record was, well...not really up to par.

    kat--yeah, I wallow, haha. Well I "tried" to put on a semi-smile last night. Today has already been better.

