
Of Pugs and People I Adore

Today has been a smashing day so far. Probably because I had breakfast with Rachel right by the beach. Talk about living the life.

But even if you took away the beach and the restaurant, I realize how lucky I am to have a friend like Rachel. There are some people in your life that no matter what, you just stay friends.

I don't mean to make this post extra gushy...but I'm simply commenting on how important it is to have good, loyal, interesting friends in your life. What I admire about Rachel: she's not fake and she tells it like it is. Also, she doesn't mind being weird with me. People need to embrace their weird sides.
Rachel and I have known each other since 2004. The picture of us (above) is circa 2005. That's why I look so...different.

She is the friend that I lived with for 2 years (you gotta like the person to be able to do that!). She is the friend that used to doodle with me in English 220 when we ultra bored (we scribbled pictures of each other on stripper poles and drug dealin'...hehehe). She is the friend that bonded over the Yip Yip Martians with me (brrrrrrrrrinnnnng!).

I have a feeling that Rachel and I will be buddies for a long ass time, because she is the type of friend that puts in the effort. And she and I will always have our pugs (inside joke).

Sorry if I've embarrassed you Rach, but sometimes I enjoy being sappy!

If you wanna check out her blog, click here.


  1. I happen to own the naming rights to ILoveRachel.com. Care to make me an offer?

  2. I'm not embarassed. If anything that totally made my day! :)

    I was talking to Zach last night about how coming down here I really see who my close friends are. You are one of them! It's just nice to know that someone is willing to put in a bit of effort to hang out. (Since I don't have a choice!! Not having a car while I am here.) But even if I had a car, I know I could still count on you to want to do something!

    I still have just as much fun as I did when we were sophmores doodling and not paying attention to class. Can you tell how we can soo easily amuse each other!? Haha. I love it. We could probably sit locked in an empty room and still find things to giggle about.

    Thanks Ash! I have really enjoyed spending time with you! I've missed you while I was away! Hope to see you one more time before I go home for school! Yuck!!

    P.S. Can't wait for you to visit NorCal whenever you get the chance!

    <3 Pug Angel

  3. You look like my friend Joe's wife in that picture.

    I like how your friend is a cross-stitcher. I wish that my mom hadn't just tossed all the stuff away when she closed her shop, or I could offer to send her stuff that she could throw away instead.

  4. jay--umm, is your wife's name rachel??

    rachel-- You know I'll visit :)

    mjenks--haha, good to know I look like someone?? Rachel's nickname in our old apartment was crossbitch. hehe. It's her way of relieving stress.
