
Snap Back to Reality

Hello reality. So nice to see you today (not really). It was fun waking up at 6 A.M. after 2 weeks of not having to. Yeah, thanks for that present. You are much, much too kind.

Coffee is not helping me right now!!

Oh, and funny story. Yesterday, I go to mall to pick up a calendar I saw two weeks ago (I waited until now to get it cause I knew it would be half-off). Guess who I run into? J. Yes, the one and only. Talk about sufficiently awkward conversation/side hug. The whole time I was looking at him (while also not looking) and thinking to myself "Why did I ever find you attractive?"

He made some dirty joke about the James Dean calendar I was getting, then proceeded to crack another lame joke, "You know he's dead, right?" Well hardy har har. Mostly I rolled my eyes at his attempt at humor. Finally he got the hint that I was not thrilled to see him and left.

It's ok, James Dean is worth the awkwardness.

Another back to reality realization: I'm done with the Twilight series. I read it all over the 2-week break. That's over 2500 pages in a 2-week span!!!!! I didn't know I could read so feverishly. It helps to have random free time on your hands. Plus the books are not mentally challenging, by ANY means.

What will I say about the whole series? Same as what I said about the first book. Mindless fun for chicks. What else can you expect from a book about vampires? You can't take that crap too seriously. Although, sad to say, it's been my world for the last couple of weeks (it's so easy to get lost in books). And now I'm in the real word again. Wakin' up at 6 am. No hot vampires in my world.



  1. Reality struck me when I found a graduate student shriveled up by my office...

  2. Yeah, the Edward withdrawal can be a real bitch

  3. Ugh. That whole "not-waking-up-at-the-butt-crack-of-dawn" thing sure is nice, isn't it? Fortunately, I hooked IV lines from two pots of coffee to each arm this morning.

    Little fact for you: I grew up about 30 miles from James Dean's birthplace. Unfortunately, the museum there closed a couple of years back.

  4. I think I can make it to at least Wednesday before acknowledging reality again... wish me luck.

  5. Didn't you think the ending got a little...weird? Not that teen vampires aren't weird enough, but come on.

  6. One of my fellow cashiers at Target just can't stop talking about the guy in the Twilight movie. Seriously. Every single day I've worked with her in the past week or so.

  7. jidai--I say down with reality! Let's opt for virtual reality instead?

    rachel--TELL me about it!

    mjenks--I've probably driven past your hometown then! I remember the billboards for James Dean in Indiana. P.S. I gotta try that IV idea.

    jay--I try to ignore reality all the time. But it's always trying to make me its bitch.

    Felicia--I TOTALLY agree. The fourth book was my least fave outta the four.

    coley--k, I think rob pattinson is hot, but I'm not crazy like her. I wouldn't torture a co-worker like that!!

  8. Welcome back. Here's your bills!

    I love East of Eden, by the way.

  9. Coffee always works, it just depends on how much you want to drink!

    I hate running into ex's. Luckily I managed to roam around Detroit for almost two weeks and avoid running into mine.

    You shoulda told J that even a dead James Dean is better than a living J. Pwnage.

  10. I read the books in 3 weeks, and after I was done, I felt a little "lost"... lol... a world w/o Edward? what to do?

    I'm gonna read them again, slower and more deliberate this time... last time, it was like dining on a buffet and I couldn't get enough! sigh...

  11. Frank--HAHAHA...I SHOULD have said that :) That is why I heart you!

    Blue--we are gonna lay thr SMACKDOWN on 2009!!! Heck yeah!! P.S. glad you are a Twilight nerd like me.

  12. 2500 pages of teenage vampires and problems with the early morning. hmmm ... maybe there's something there. but i had the same problem cured by 8am red bull (x2). of course it made me jittery and annoying for two hours but, by golly, i was awake.

  13. Whoa... i love it when those accidental meetings end up being moments of clarity :) Where are those vamps when you need 'em? - LOL
