
Don't pass the doobie.

I felt an urge to post on this, it may seem random, but here we go.

I have never tried marijuana. never. I've been asked, no badgered, almost bullied into trying it a million times. But I have not.

And why won't I? Simple, I don't want to try it and like it.

There are too many people I know, close friends and friends of friends, that use drugs (even drugs as harmless as marijuana) as an escape from the world. This goes for alcohol too; however, I don't want to focus on alcoholism, because for some reason people seem okay with the idea of a stoner, but not okay with the idea of an alcoholic.

Maybe because stoners=hippies, free love and peace, while alcoholics=violence.

I put these two abusers on the same level, because both are victim to the same tragedy: a life unlived due to substance abuse taking over. Not every story is the same, but the people I know use pot as a way to not feel. They've had it with life, and opt for a way to avoid life all together. The bad part about this plan is that they miss the pragmatic process of feeling. We must feel (the good and the bad) in order to live our lives properly.

There is a quote that ties in with this, it goes, "We are never closer to defeat than in our moments of greatest victory." I think back to all of my greatest moments in my short life, and realize how true that is. All of my greatest victories have been breakthroughs from the greatest pain, fear, anxiety and sadness I have ever felt. And it was crippling, at the time, to feel those things. But overcoming those feelings were the defining moments of my life.

The point is, if I would have placated my feelings with the use of drugs (any drug) I would have remained in a stalled state. I would have never left the pain aside, but only pushed it away for the moment. My life would not be lived, but would be put on pause.

Yes, it's true that I use certain things to de-stress: baths, walks, music, dancing, etc. But these are not my main solace in life.

When I am truly in a state of disarray and distress, I turn to God. This may sound silly, crazy and weird to some of you. That's alright, I've been called all those things in my life. All I can do is tell you what has worked in my experience, and that is God.

Do I condemn all drug-use to the depths of hell? No, I know people are going to do it, regardless. But do I think drugs are the high point of life? No, and you know that as well as I do.

I simply want to state that there is so much more to life than smoking, drinking, snorting and escaping life. You can choose, to instead, live it.


  1. Yet God created marijuana... for us? As a temptation? Only for rope-making purposes? Who knows?!

    I do admire you stick-to-it-ness, and will share with you one of my all-time favorite drug quotes:

    "What [marijuana] gives with one hand it takes away with the other: that is to say, it gives the power of imagination and takes away the ability to profit by it."

    Painfully true words!

  2. haha...I see your point. Yeah, obviously marijuana is natural...but I don't think that God intended for anything to be abused. So while the occasional smoke is harmless, it's the slipping away into a substance that's so dangerous it scares me (as I see some friends doing).

    That's all I'm saying. Same with alcohol...why not have a drink? Just don't go completely overboard that you're flashing traffic.

  3. I tried it once, I won't lie; I got a horrible headache and ate everything in the house. Didn't really work for me. Probably God's way of telling me to live with the highs and lows.

    I don't condemn people for using it, although it stinks, but then again, I think tobacco smells even worse (at times). I've never been into smoking anything.

    For the most part, I've kept pretty sober. It makes for better poetry.

  4. I would hardly call marijuana harmless. Maybe because I've hung out with a lot of older musicians, I've seen how stupid and apathetic it makes a person after years of smoking it.

    Good for you for never smoking it. I never smoked it either. Though I didn't put half as much thought into it as you did - it just always smelled like crap to me.

    Anything in excess is bad for you, substance or not. Some people exercise excessively as an escape. Others are workaholics. And the biggest culprit - too much TV! Now excuse me while I go finish watching American Idol... Just kidding. Sort of. ;-)


  5. i tried it, but i didn't inhale. no, i did. i think. oh, i can't remember. damn drugs. heh. but yeah, i have no need for marijuana when we've got doctors and alprazolam.

    more seriously, having friends on both sides of the problem, i would say that i would prefer a stoner over a sloppy drunk. they are much easier to ignore and less likely to throw up in your car.

  6. I drink and smoked pot twice...


  7. I too have never and will never smoke pot or do any other illegal drugs. Mostly because I have an aunt who fried her brain doing cocaine. That and I'm content with just drinking. I don't do that frequently, so I think I'm ok.

  8. if it's not your bag, ok. but I'd hardly say the greatest moments of my life occurred under the influence of any drug. and I think reefer's great.

  9. that's fine matt...and like I said, I'm not trying to condemn all drugs. The point of my post was to comment on the unhealthy nature of depending on drugs.

    I had a specific person in mind, actually.

  10. Delurking to congratulate you on this one. Keep the faith. I fully support your view.
