
Call Me, er, I mean...

This bracelet was given to me by one of my kindergartners a few days ago. First of all I was touched that I got the bracelet. Second, it made me crack up. "Text Me"? Seriously? haha. Then, I realized it was fitting for me. I hardly ever talk on the phone. But I text a lot.

Ohhhhhhh, man. What is this generation coming to? Texting just might be the devil.

"Foooozeball is the devil!" (come on, you know what movie that comes from!)


  1. 'everything is the devil to you, mama!'

    and for the record, texting is the devil.

  2. haha, I knew it!! I guess my soul is being stolen with every text I send...

  3. I text a lot too. We should team up some day.

  4. Shouldn't the bracelet really read "Txt me"?

  5. I have about 2000 roll over minutes, but last month I went over my 200 text plan. I wish AT&T would make an even lower plan because it's getting ridiculous.

  6. WATERBOY! That had me cracking up. I have to go dig for the movie now, thanks Ashley... ;p

    I need one of those bracelets too. I'm like you, I prefer texting to phone calls.

    P.S. - Thanks for the sweet comment - its nice to know someone understands!

  7. Even kidnergartners have cell phones these days...'tis sad.
