
Friday Night Lights

Ever have one of those nights where you have so much fun you shake all the stress outta your system?

Yeah, well tonight was one of those nights. Or should I say last night? I realize that it is past 1:30 in the morning. haha.

Last night consisted of:
  • A wine tasting event--->which led to a heart-to-heart convo about boys. Never fails.
  • Too much laughter to handle.
  • Apple pie and "Pot Brownies." Did you just do a double take? That's what they were called, as in, they are baked in a little ceramic pot.
  • A waiter named Fernando.
  • Walking around Little Italy, wandering into an art gallery, and walking away with free art.
  • Dancing. There should always be dancing. And we didn't go to a club. We just danced on the street, in the restaurant, in the car. Like I said, there should always be dancing.
  • Gooooooooooooooood times.
Time for bed. Ah, the pleasant slumber of a girl that has just gone on an adventure.


  1. Good to here, Ash. It heartens me to here that all seems well in Ashley World.

  2. I would've loved to join! ;)

  3. All waiters named Fernando should be trusted. Always.

  4. One of my favorite bands was in San Diego on Friday. Do you like salsa music? The next time Spanish Harlem Orchestra is in your neck of the woods, I'll let you know. I saw them on Thursday in Sac before they flew down there. If you love to dance, you would really enjoy seeing them live. The singers do some fun dance moves on stage - that is, if you can stop dancing for a moment to watch!

