
Love, Save the Empty

I really like this video. Most likely you've heard this song (at least you did in the GAzillion ads for He's Just Not That Into You). The lyrics are interesting and sad. But there is a truth to them. The artisit sings about the pain and "false affection" encountered in everyone's quest for love.

I like thought-provoking songs. I'll have to check into this artist, cause I think her voice is pretty kick-ass, as well.


  1. Wait, love is harder than meeting a girl, losing the girl and then getting her back!?

  2. Oh I like Erin McCarley! I downloaded her song called-Pony (It's OK)

    It was free on iTunes and I love it. It grew on me! :)

    We have the same taste in music minus radiohead hahaha! See you soon!

  3. I didn't watch the film (or the trailers for it) so I missed this song... but I like it! And you're right, she does have an interesting voice.

    By the way, I totally spaced (terrible two/three weeks) and didn't wish you happy birthday! Gah! So a very belated and happy 24th birthday lady (both the brother and the boy are going to be 25 this year, so we're doing well in the age stakes!), it looks like you had an awesome time at Disneyland =)

    Happy times for Spring Break this coming week, yataaaa!

    Jax x

  4. pain, misery and loss. seems like i've heard that one before. hmm.

    **remaining mum on the song** :)
