
Back on Track

I feel as though I've been incredibly lazy after my spring break excursion into San Jose. Guess I wanted my spring break to extend a bit longer.

I also blame Cutie with the Glasses for showing me this website, after finding out I share his passion of relentlessly trying to figure out the meaning of songs. ARRRRGGG!! I've looked up, like, a GAzillion songs!!!! Procrastination is indeed my middle name.

Things I have been procrastinating from, that I need to get finished/do more often:
  • Working Out!!!! Must get in shape! MUST. It is sad when I run after kindergartners for all of 3 minutes and start to lose my breath. To my defense, those munchkins are fast. I have worked out the last couple days, and I want to keep it up. Nothing too rigorous, just a daily workout to make me feel more awake, alert and healthier.
  • Learning Turkish. As much I yearrrrrrrnnnn to learn Turkish, this language is DIFFICULT with a capital D (and I capitalized all the letters, haha). So learning it from the Rosetta Stone is cool and all--except that it's hard to discipline myself to sit down and do it!! There is no professor to tell me to do my homework, I have to tell myself.
  • Apply for more summer jobs. I loathe applications.
  • Look into loans to go on my summer vacation to Ireland/England/France. I'm really really really hoping that I can pull this off!!! Europe is calling my name (it is always calling my name).
  • Getting ready to take the CBEST and start the journey to becoming a teacher. Working with kids is indeed my calling, I've found out.
Yeah, those are the main things. SO I will not allow myself to be lazy...NO MORE LAZINESS!! And I will limit myself to looking up only a few songs per week (hehe).




  1. Ah yes...job applications, my old (and current) nemesis.

    I suggest running 70 miles a week. That'll make you fit REALLY fast. Or just kill you.

  2. 1. I hate running.

    and 2. No. Just no.

  3. I hate applying for jobs, so um . . . good luck with that! I think I've been on that website before, but I'm checking it out again!

  4. I'm heading to Ireland in a little less than a month for a week plus of self driving tour mayhem (not to be confused with Electric Mayhem). Should you deem this to be a stowaway opportunity, I won't say a word.

  5. Did you decide on working with kids? That's wonderful. That's what I wanted, once upon a time.

    Let them do the running for you. Get a whistle (or a fire hose) to round them up.

    Or a lasso.

  6. You will do great on the CBEST. I took it and didn't even study and passed and your intelligence level is much more than mine!

  7. that's some list. i'm much less of a list guy and more of a one bullet kinda guy. but yay for teachers. i was almost a want to be a history teacher. ha.

    btw, my list is up.

  8. I think you will be a very good teacher, Ash. Says this former very good teacher.
