

I'm learning to have a discerning heart. Not based on my own understanding of life, but based on God's vast knowledge--on his set of rules for life. Why try to live life by my rules? How silly, when the one omnipotent being that made me knows better. Why would I not consult him?

And yet I continually try to pull away from God's decrees. I get lost in the idea of the world, and the world consumes.

"And this deception I wear it like a skin" --Lauryn Hill

I want to separate myself from the world, and it's way of thinking. I want to adopt a way of thinking that will bring me true joy.


  1. I sometimes wonder if the reason why so much of my life has gone wrong in the past few years is because I lost my faith sometime around then. I admire your ability to trust in something that I felt I couldn't any longer, and I kind of wish I didn't feel so jaded about religion.

    Maybe one day I'll come back to it, but I think before that happens it needs to feel right, or I need to be able to trust the unknown again. Something like that, anyway.

    Jax x

  2. Ashley, I just finished reading a novel that I think you would really, really like. It's called "Ceremony of the Innocent" by Taylor Caldwell. I found the author had such clarity and wisdom about human beings and life in general (speaking through the story, of course).


    P.S. - It looks like a typical romance novel, but it's not. Don't read too many reviews on it or you're bound to read a spoiler.

  3. oh me too. but i find that i continually fall and fall and become who i was, who i decided that i didn't want to be. i'm falling over the same blocks as always.

    i was thinking at work today, 'you know, satan. it's got to be SO BLOODY EASY for you to trip me up'. it's like... i'm trip-up training case. 'ok, here's what you do. practice on that one.' and i fall for it every time. gah!

    sorry... i just kinda precipitated all over your blog comment like that, but it just fit perfectly in with the theme of my life right now.

    thanks for sharing dear. :)

  4. Don't you think God wants us to get lost a little bit? It seems like that is how we find out about our place in the world.

  5. jackie-- I think your reaction to religion is normal. There are a lot of sucky things that happen in life, and in the past I have found myself wondering if there is really a God.

    I think working with kids has affirmed my belief in God. True beauty can be found in them. And kids bring up God all the time on their own. I think they know something the rest of the world doesn't.

    One reason I believe: this world doesn't offer enough to satisfy. It may be faulty logic...but DUDE, there must be more!

    D-- cool, I will look into in. I just started a book called Wide Awake by Erwin McManus.

    cari-- I do believe we are in this together. haha. I trip up all too often.

    thomas-- I understand what you're saying, yo; however, I do believe that we are not supposed to stay lost. There is the big man upstairs to make things so much easier than we tend to make it. I make things far more complicated than they have to be!
