
The A in Ashley is for Awesome

A short post.

Cutie with the Glasses sent me a text message yesterday that simply said:

Ashley...you are awesome.

I will not try to dissect this a million different ways (because chicks totally do that). But I will take this compliment and realize that there might be a little something there. I'm interested in this guy, and I like this path...a slow but rewarding path. I really like being patient. After not being patient (and careful) with my heart's desires for J, I really got burned.

There ain't no rush. Let's see if he thinks I'm worth waiting for, and vice versa.


  1. Cutie with glasses rocks.

    (written in a deep bass voice)

  2. Awwwww...
    ...wwwwwwww. Cute =) And yes, you are awesome, so obviously Cutie With Glasses is a knowledgeable cutie (something that is not easily achieved; often good looks/intelligence don't go hand-in-hand!)

    By the way - come to London! And look me up if you do, I'd be happy to take you around!

    Jax x

  3. AWESOME! I'll be back in London from mid-June =) Let me know!

    Jax x
