
Gettin' Some Action

Get your mind outta the gutter! I'm talking about movies, people.

I haven't done a movie review in awhile, so here we go. Movies on the menu (did I just say menu? I must be hungry): Inglorious Basterds and District 9.

  • Inglorious Basterds: Now...I don't usually like Quentin Tarantino. His movies tend to go wayyyy over the top, and edge on side of ridiculous. Not so for Inglorious Basterds. I was surprised to find out that I absolutely loved it. The colors, the concept, the fact that it was not historically accurate at all, and Brad Pitt's hilarious quips made me adore this movie. Go into this movie with an open mind and let the story sink into your bones. It had me enthralled and it had me highly entertained. My Rating: ★★★ ½ (out of 4 stars)

  • District 9: In two words--highly original. This movie was refreshing. In a sea of remakes and unoriginal plots and--oh yeah--more remakes, this movie was a complete gem. I couldn't even guess what was gonna happen in the plot. And seriously, where can I get a cool alien gun that obliterates enemies on contact? But the plot was not all action. Nope, the storyline is what made this movie a standout. The movie felt like 30 minutes, as opposed to a cool 2 hours. Peter Jackson, you've done it again. My Rating: ★★★ ½
Yeah, they got the same rating because I loved them equally. Now, if you have not seen them, go forth and watch!!


  1. I just watched D-9 last night, and share in your opinion of its awesomeness. My only hope is that the sequel (which as I'm sure you realize is unavoidable) doesn't suck as hard as most sequels do.

  2. Yes, my friend and I walked out of the movie thinking, okay...when is District 10 coming out?


    Christopher Johnson has gotta come back!!

  3. What are movies? I haven't seen one in a theater for so long... :(

  4. That's because you have kids!!!!

  5. I know, but it's what I do for a living!

  6. Peter Jackson only promoted the movie. The real genius is the writer/director, Neill Blomkamp.

  7. They're both on my list... Hope to see them sometime soon.

  8. i totally went in expecting to hate d9 ... i'm glad i was wrong and those who dragged me there kicking and screaming, i thank you. although i'd probably give the edge to IB.

  9. oh my goodness, I concur completely my love!!

  10. I haven't been to the cinema for such a long time. Mebbe when I go back to Notts. Then again, I am trying to save some money... awesome that you enjoyed them, though!

    Jax x

  11. Eh, Inglorious Basterds had too many subtitles. I go to the movies to AVOID reading!

  12. I saw Inglorious Basterds over the weekend. Loved it! Favorite line of the movie: "A-river-dair-chi". Hilarious!


  13. Would like to see Inglorious Basterds. Not so sure about District 9. Get alot of mixed reviews from people.

  14. Saw them and loved them both - two thumbs up (four, counting yours)
