
Pushing Myself

The last few days in Turkey have been pretty great. I've been with my family, I've been fed great Turkish food and I've been walking around the great and mysterious Istanbul.

Lurking underneath that happiness, however, is a great fear. Today I get on a plane for Izmir, a city where none of my family lives.

I realized that this is my first "trip" in where I am completely by my lonesome. To further this realization, this is no trip at all. There is no return date, no comfort zone, no promise of ever really finding a home. All of my insecurities and fears are popping up in this situation. It's no wonder, I have never been pushed this far out of my little comforted life before. This is the biggest challenge I have EVER faced. My body is almost aching by being challenged this much.

In the next few days I will start the process of meeting new people, interviews and getting acquainted with a foreign city.

I'm scared, but I know this is good for me. I know I need to do this. I just want to get past the hard part.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am so proud of you. Let's Skype soon so that you can tell me more about your adventure - you're a superstar.

    Jax x

    PS: Argh about the luggage! But hope it's arrived with you safely now?

  3. You will rock it. Keep us posted. Do you have people to meet when you get there? Did you set up interviews ahead of time??

  4. keep your chin up, dear. though it will be terrifying and everything, it will be so worth it in the end.

    and as always, keep us posted!

  5. ashley, continue to be brave! I'm so incredibly proud of you. I know you'll not only survive, but flourish! take care & keep us updated :)

  6. You were led there for a reason and it's because you are going to SHINE. The unknown is a scary thing, especially without a familiar face to lean on (or indeed shoulder!), but it's going to be amazing, whatever is down this path. Good luck and keep us posted!!
