
My British Post

All of this Royal Wedding coverage is making me pine for another trip to England, and I've been there three times already! Can you say spoiled brat?

I wasn't going to post on all the hoopla of the wedding, or even watch it; however, I caught a little of the pre-ceremony and ceremony, and I actually enjoyed watching it. It's nice to see something so jubilant amidst reports of war, riots and tornados. Sometimes we as humans need to overindulge in moments of happiness when everything else is falling apart; it's not a distraction, but rather, a saving grace.

On a more superficial note, I adore Kate's dress. Grace Kelly much?

This is exactly the kind of wedding dress I would wear. Understated, elegant and not overly showy or pretentious.

Love, love, love.

Like, I said, all this U.K. footage is making me want to visit England again. I'll refrain, for awhile at least. In the meantime, I got the urge to post old photos of when I visited in 2009.

Who doesn't love being nostalgic??

I miss England!!


  1. I didn't watch it either... not really my thing. But I do think Kate looked beautiful, and I agree it's nice to have a bit of happiness. Although watching everyone swanning around being merry on the same street they were kettling us on a few months ago made me a bit grumpy.

    P.S. Loved your comment about people always finding something to be pretentious about. So true!

  2. She really did look stunning. You're so lucky to have been three times already. I've been to Europe but not London. It's definitely on my Adventure list though.
    Oh, and the dress? I'll fight you for it. :)

  3. I didn't have a chance to watch the whole thing...just glimpses from...everywhere! William's hot and I must admit that Kate looked absolutely gorgeous!

  4. I wasn't so in to the wedding but I turned the tv on and totally got sucked in - it was SO fun and interesting to watch!!!

    "where is the moooment when you neeed it the mmoOOOooooost???"

  5. loved her dress too. she was so gorgeous and lovely that I almost hated her for it. lol.

  6. I pined SO much for England over all the royal wedding stuff, especially seeing the thousands of people outside Buck House donning their union flags proudly!

    Great Beatles shot!

  7. My friends and I prepared a full-on high tea and stayed up to watch every British moment. Cheers!
