One of the main culprits of my massive food intake was Montmartre, the very bohemian, artsy, music-y part of Paris that leaves you lingering for hours, sitting in cafes and venturing into bakeries.
The well known cafe culture of France, where it's acceptable to waste time sipping on your espresso while people watching.
Macaroons are divine. I recommend the Rose flavored kind.
Skipping over to the Ile Saint-Louis, I had the best ice cream of my life at Berthillon. I got dark chocolate, and tried to take a picture of it, to which my camera refused to focus and I got impatient...DEVOURING IT ALL. Well, I got photos of the shop, at least:
On a sunday, I ran into a random antique market, complete with yummy treats! I can't for the life of me remember where this is in Paris; however, markets are pretty easy to come by everywhere!
Homemade jam for sale.
Fresh coffee and croissant in morning? Yes please!
And for snazzy night time drinks, I highly recommend going to Harry's New York Bar...
A very busy bartender in Harry's Bar.
"The oldest cocktail bar in Europe"
So, there you have it, kids--the reason why I am trying to eat a lot healthier this week. But if you can't be gluttoness in Paris, then, where can you be?