
Epilogue to Italia

Italy was my favorite trip that I've taken this year.

Chillin' like a pro in Capri. 
It comes down to the people. I know this is an overused saying, but ain't it the truth? I already covered this in my Preface...but Italy changed me a little. After just one week there, the culture actually changed my thinking. This is the kind of experience that travelers live for. There's just something about that country, and I'm itching to go back! I keep thinking in my head, how can I live in Rome for a little while? When you start thinking thoughts like that, you know you're done for!

And here's the funny part: I am going back! It wasn't part of the plans, but Turkey tickets were far too expensive this year (I was gonna end the year with Turkey). Since one of my besties from California is coming over, and still wanted to see one more city other than London. In about 3 weeks, we're going to...


I better be careful, I just might end up staying. Or, someday, find a way to get back there for longer than a week. Such is the burden of a traveler; I thought my year in London satisfied my wanderlusting cravings, when all it takes is one new love to awaken them again.