
Leaving Boston, Choosing Adventure

One thing I pride myself in is I always say yes to the adventure. There's no use sitting in that chair, staying safe and warm under that blanket if you're also bored out of your fucking mind.

Boston was a good city for me to unwind from New York, but also remind me that I need more, I crave more beyond this country and beyond these borders.

Adventures come in all shapes and forms, and are not only restricted to moving cities, but also include:

  • learning how to be completely vulnerable with other humans
  • unlearning the necessity to be cool, instead realizing that love and kindness are more important than status
  • really understanding how to love yourself completely and fully, so that you know your worth and are able to demand respect out of every relationship 
  • but also, moving cities when the wind whispers it in your ear

What has been whispered in my ear the past 5 years since the day I left? London. 

Sometimes you just know when a place is right for your soul. That place could be with a person, or a movement, or a spiritual practice. My place is an actual place, and it's been calling to me to come back. 

Well, I'm on my way. It's not all set in stone, but the pieces are coming together so beautifully that I believe it's going to work out. There are visa processes to follow, and crossing fingers, and hoping for everything to be approved. And you know what? I know it's going to work out. 

I choose adventure. I'm coming back to you London. 

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