
The terrorists in my life...

I'm sure you've heard...they caught those suckers that attempted to bomb London the second time. Cheerio!

And speaking of terrorists, let me introduce you to my nephews:

The little blond one's name is Brendan. The one in the back is Everest (who is only 6 and is going to be SUPER tall). To call them little terrorists would be...accurate. These boys LOVE to wrestle, and no doubt, they always view me as the prime target to take down. Plus, the fact that they are both getting stronger, taller and faster...and I? I have no muscle (what-so-ever), am only 5'4'' and was never the fast kid (hey--I was the artsy one. never the athlete).

So, today, after I woke up at 10:45 am (haha, I looooooooove to sleep), my Mom said this to me:

Mom: Ashley, April (my sister) wants to know if you can watch Brendan and Everest for two weeks during your Christmas break while she goes to London.

Me: What? Whooaaaaa...no I can't do that!

Mom: It's only for two weeks...

Me: ARE YOU CRAZY?! That's two weeks!

Now, I love my nephews and my sister, and I may be selfish, but my Christmas break is a time for me to relax. I'm taking 17 units this upcoming semester, and as I told my mom, I'm gonna want to rest!

Sorry, sis, but there is no way I'm forming gray hairs when I'm only 20 years old.


  1. yay for those of us taking 17 units!! may we all loose sleep & drink endless cups of coffee in the wee hours of the morning all semester long! :)

  2. yay michelle...you and I at the livingroom cafe, that's all I have to say.

    thomas, I am a good aunt, but I need my sanity...if my sister needed a few days, ok...I could do that. But two weeks would drive me up the wall.

  3. Everyone knows that the best birth control is watching someone's kids...

  4. haha, yes hatleyman, I agree there...I love those boys, but they are little monsters!
