
A Change is Gonna Come

Wow, I'm moving into an apartment soon, and I'm a little scared of it. It's that fear of the unknown. I'm excited too, but in a frightened way. I guess the word for that would be anxious...eh, I'm not gonna check a dictionary now.

I'm moving in with two really good friends of mine. I mean, these are friends I spend a lot of time with and share a lot with. If there's one thing I've heard over and over from people about moving into apartments, it's not to move in with best friends. Well, I'm kinda breaking that rule.

Will we not see each other enough? That's another concern. A simple door can be a big separator--one of the girls, Rachel, has a boyfriend that's she's always with. That can be a separator as well.

I don't know. I'm just clearing out what's causing a mini traffic jam in my mind right now--all the worries and all the fears.

I love these girls, and ultimately, we'll grow apart only if I let it. And I won't let it.

I just haven't lived in an apartment before. This will be so weird. I lived in a house before--with a lot of girls. And it's different. I've been told it's really different.

I guess I'm excited cause it's different. It's a new phase of my life...that's always exhilirating.

And I know, I KNOW, that I'll have a lot of changes in my life--especially setting changes. Cause 1. Everyone does and 2. My family especially does. It runs in my blood to embrace change. My dad moved from Michigan to California. My mom moved from Turkey to the United States. My sister moved from the U.S. to England. We're not the kind that stays in our hometown. And I'm not gonna move around just cause my family does, but because I want to. I've always loved travel.

Whew. I just gotta learn how to accept change. A Change is Gonna Come, right Sam Cooke? Yep, that's right.


  1. Sam Cooke! :)

    It's a completely new experience, and while it can put a strain on friendships, it just depends on the people involved. If you guys know each others habits (good and bad) ahead of time, and have talked out house rules and such, I'm sure things will be great!

    Change is exciting, and inevitable.

  2. I love Sam Cooke...god his voice is heavenly and orgasmic all at the same time! Especially in "You Send Me"
