
Since You've Been Gone...

Dammit. I have to confess a little secret I've been hiding.

I'm secretly a big Kelly Clarkson fan. Man!!

I triiiiiiiiiied to refrain from buying the CD! Tried to change the channels on the radio when her overplayed songs would come on!!! Tried to deny American Idol when it first came out!

But I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't change those stations. I even found myself moving my lips to to those Top 40 songs. Yes--I would sing to Kelly Clarkson.

So I finally let the secret out, and gave into my guiltiest pleasure...BUT THEN...guess what happened???

As I go to succumb to my desires, and search the shelves for Clarkson at the record store...what do I find?

NOTHING!!! Kelly was SOLD OUT. Went to the next record store....SOLD OUT. Drove over to Best Buy. Was Kelly there? Nope, she had been kidnapped from the shelves there, too.

I even resorted to calling a few stores...all of them gave the same answer "We have no more in stock, sorry." One store (stupid Walmart) hung up on me. Guess that was a no.

The madness and irony of it all!!!! I finally go to buy the CD, the one CD I've been denying all this time, and it's SOLD OUT!!!! What is this, some kind of sold out epidemic?? Forget about the bird flu.

I guess I'll just have to wait for new shipments to come in. Until then, I'll despretly seek radio stations for Kelly's songs...or hum myself to sleep with "Breakaway."

(Yes, I understand I sound desperate in this post. Damn Kelly Clarkson!! Look what you've turned this respectable human being into!!!)


  1. You're my new hero .. er... heroine! I prefer the wimpy method of getting Kelly Clarkson music - iTunes! Even calling a store would make me paranoid about people recognizing my voice and adding me into their database of people who actually LIKE Kelly Clarkson. *sigh* I'm so pathetic ... behind those hazel eyes.

  2. Kelly Clarkson is alright, but Clay Aiken is a golden God!!!

  3. thomas--I have to argue that it is not worse. You, my friend, are just shameless. But we can both be called desperate..."The Desperate Bloggers," it can be a show!

    Um, gangster, I was actually not a fan of clay. Especially after he made that stalker song...

  4. Sadly, I am addicted to Britney Spears...it's true.

    Hang on while I put the barrel of the gun into my mouth...

  5. hatleyman!! dude...that was brave to admit!

    But are you addicted to her music or her breasts...that's the real question

  6. Well, I kind of use her breasts like the bouncing ball over the words on the screen during each song...

    I actually really dig her greatest hits CD...the unreleased stuff is pretty darn good.
