
It Don't Matter If You're Black or White!

Sooooooooo, I changed my little picture in the corner again. I know, I know...I had the other one was up for like 2 days. But it bored me so. And it was much too colorful...I adore black and white photos. So, behold! Black and White Ashley in all her glory!

Something that was absolutely wonderful today: the rain. FINALLY there was some rain in "Sunny" San Diego. I love rain...it makes me contemplate and energizes me...somehow. We don't get enough of it here, so naturally, I get excited when it comes around.

Something that was absolutely horrible today: The Dukes of Hazzard. My dad decided to rent it, and I decided to watch it with him. What a BAD BAD BAD choice. It was one of those movies that made me want to get up and leave....but you don't, cause you think to yourself "Hey. Maybe it will get better. I mean, it can't get any worse." And then, it DOES get worse...but you're not too surprised. What did I expect? Jessica Simpson can't act (and PLEASE stop her from doing remakes of classic songs!). Johnny Knoxville can't really act. And Sean William Scott! You can do better dear!!

So, I didn't really have an eventful day. But haven't I said this a million times before? I AM A BUM. And so proud, so proud. Brings a tear to my eye. Hope your days were full of sunshine, or rain, if you're me.


  1. New pic is nice but doesn't reveal your blue eyes...sall good though. That was my first attempt to get sall started for use when saying 'it's all.' It has been raining quite a bit here in jersey which is strange cause snow is usually the precipitation of norm in december. We had kinda a silver wet xmas instead of a white one but thats ok b/c variety is nice...I'm out...adios

  2. It is flooding in Sac, Ashley! I like it, but the freeways are a bit drenched these days.

    Black and whites are the best.

  3. hey dtinx...I've never been to Jersey! Or the East Coast for that matter, I want to go someday...you guys get LOTS of rain. I'm jealous.

    Anthony--black and whites definitely are the best! I've been hearing on the weather reports that the rest of Cali has been slammed with storms...just not San Diego.

  4. Ash, Ash, Ash. You change pipcs like I change personalities. Well, at least they are good pics.

    Now don't go and blush on me...

  5. Glamorous pic, Ashley.

    By the way, you are NOT a bum. You are a college student! You will have plenty of time to *wish* you were *more* of a bum in a few years. Slack away, my dear!


  6. Its the middle of winter and sall hot down here in Alabama! We need some cold weather damnit! I too am a fan of the black and whites Ashley, but your commentors are right...you should flash those blue eyes for us more often!

  7. thanks ashley...I'll take that advice and slack some more.

    Gangster...it was hot again today. The rain went away, sadly.

    Hatleyman...thanks for the compliment. When you're in black and white you can't blush! ha.
