
Something to Ponder

Why am I so tired? And why am I still up?

Why am I so lazy? And why am I so motivated?

Why is it that I'm shy? Why is it that I'm outgoing?

Why is it that I like things simple when in fact I am completely complicated?

Why do I sometimes like being girly? Why do I want to tear off my bra in rage on off days?

WHY am I asking all these questions?

and WHEN was I ever so contradictory?

It is very, very, very confusing. yet, it makes sense.

Because I am human.

Being human is a PAIN IN THE ASS. F.Y.I.--the link was too funny not to put in.


  1. It's the contradictions that make you you. Noone and nothing is ever simple; why should they be? How boring would that be?

    I still believe it's possible to have a duality and still be true to yourself.

  2. life in the middle is a simpler way i think...then you don't have to commit to any one thing...flexibility is charming...really

  3. Hey? Is that the new Brokeback Mountain ride at Disney World??

  4. hahaha...gangster. I believe they should invest in calling it that name!!!
