
All you need is love! Right? Do you? Or don't you? I'm too confused.

awwwwwwwwwwww. I just saw the cutest movie. It's going to be added to my favorite movie list.

It's called Just Like Heaven.

It's not a story that's overly complicated, or that hasn't been done before. It's just makes me smile, plain and simple. Movies don't have to be overly original or unique for me to adore them, they just have to touch me in some way. And make me want what's in that movie.

I wonder, and we all wonder...can one find love that you find in movies? Or do movies lead us on? And do we choose to be in love? Or does it find us?

I think we choose to believe that love is this great force...that it comes to us, and like a magnet, pulls us into this whirlwind of emotions that we can't help but get lost in.

But the realist in me tells me that's bullshit.

Will I ever know? I kind of doubt that I'll ever actually fall in love...or let myself, for that matter.

I've always been too guarded...too into the perfect love in movies to consider the flawed love you find back on planet earth.

I hope that someday I'll let that guard down. I don't want to live my life without knowing what it's like to fall in love.

As much as I hate people who look down upon me for not having a boyfriend...as much as I know I'm perfectly happy single and free...as much as I know it all, there is still a part of me that wonders and wants just as much as the typical desperate girl we all pity.

Maybe I have been desperate, but I haven't admitted it.

There's one main problem here that I'm obviously overlooking--the person to which I will fall in love with, if ever.

Maybe...if I stop analyzing things so much...I would realize that when I meet a person to utterly fall in love with, I'll know. And I'll accept it? I don't know.

I'll cross that road when it's time to. And that's the smartest thing I've said in this whole post.


  1. I'm going to quote "A Beautiful Mind", since I have been watching too many movies lately (and it is an interesting love story, by the way):

    "Only in the mysterious equation of love can logic be found".

    And, my personal fave quote from the movie:

    "I need to believe that something extraordinary is possible".

    You know how I feel. We've been down this street before, Ashley.

    And I stick to it.

  2. I think Anthony has been hitting the bud pipe a little bit too much...or he is dressed as Rainbow Bright at all the RAVEs.

    Love is the hardest, most difficult, most confusing, and most retarded job you will ever - ever - ever have. Period. I have been married for 11 years, and it's frickin hard work to keep it all together - balanced - and enjoyable. Sometimes, you feel like both of you are trying...and other times you feel like you are the only one trying. But it's all tied to hope and love.

    Oh, I saw the same movie over the weekend and loved it too. The whole Moose scene where he sticks the Vodka spout in the guy's lungs in way funny.

  3. i just saw it too and i also thought it was absolutely adorable. :)

  4. Hmmmm... try not to overanalyze (said she who overanalyzes everthing!). It's funny how the most ignorant people seem to be the happiest and most "in love!"

    I'll have to check out this chick flick. I hadn't even heard of it until now!

  5. Yes, you need love. Big, passionate, firey, New York, "Let's go down in flames togeather", "Here's looking at you kid" love that makes you tingle from the tips of your nose to the tips of your toes.

    Am I in a relationship now? Yes. Am I in love? Yes. Is it the kind of love that I need or want to have forever? The jury is out.

    Wait till it is your turn. You will know when it is right. And if somebody asks you, especially if it is that old biddy Aunt(everybody has one!), about a boyfriend, ask them how it feels to be old?

    (Works every time!)

  6. anthony--yeah, we have traveled this street before. But it's too hard to not travel again!

    geoffrey--that aunt comment made me laugh SO hard...haha!

    Everything all of you said made sense...and you are right.

    Life is too confusing!!! I wish I were a hermit crab!!

  7. Ok, crazyman gets no love from Turkey-turk-turk-turk today?

  8. hahaha. I appreciated your comment, hatleyman...but I'm too lazy to respond to everyone's comments. You should notice that I hardly ever respond to people...but I do respond to you a lot.

    So feel special, dammit!!

  9. Ok, I now feel special...kind of like the one kid in school nobody talked to, but could shoot milk out of his nose when he laughed.
