My first drink from my 21st birthday? A Strawberry was good. There's not too much to say about my birthday...didn't get too intoxicated. But I did enjoy flashing my I.D. to buy drinks. That was just lovely.
So, Ashley #2 totally tagged me. Alright, alright Ashley. I'll comply. But only cause you have a cool name :)
7 things to do before I die:
1. Visit Italy and Australia
2. Buy a really fast sports car and speed around town like a reckless fool
3. Get into that secret night club that is hidden inside Disneyland
4. Find a pirate's treasure....arrrrrr! Just about get a kick ass job that I love? Yeah, that's a good one.
5. Fall in love
6. Party ALL night long...heck yeah!
7. Drive cross country with a friend, staying in the most obsolete, cheapest motels
7 things I cannot do:
1. Stay still
2. Eat fish...sorry! It's nasty to me!
3. Remain silent during a good song
4. Hurt a person intentionally
5. Pass up a burrito (from San Diego, that is)
6. Not have a car--I love driving too much
7. Give up way, no how!
7 things I say most often:
1. Smashing
2. Dammit!
3. That fool...
4. Dude.
5. Let's dance!
6. Yeaaaaaaaah (like in Office Space)
7. Like (this is not's just a generational thing)
7 books I love:
I don't read enough!
7 movies I can watch over and over again:
1. "A Walk to Remember";
2. "Just Like Heaven";
3. "Office Space"
4. "Rear Window"
5. "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
6. "Bridget Jones' Diary"
7. "Sixteen Candles"
YOU ARE TAGGED! >> Anthony, Gangsta, HeatherFeather, Hatleyman, Thomas, Michelle, Ellen. Only if you guys want...come on! I want to see your answers!