
Home Sweet Home

So, here's what's going on with my roomate situation: Stefie, my blonde roomate (I don't know why I'm telling you she's blonde, I guess it seems somewhat important) is moving out, cause she wants to pay less (and live in a bit of a sketchier part of campus, honestly now).

Sooooo, I have two new roomates moving here. And at the moment, they are living in our living room, because their lease went out at their prior apartments. SO at the moment there are 5, count em, 5 girls living here. Craziness!!! But it's not that crazy, seeing as I used to live at the sorority house.

Anyway, summer is going good thus far...today I'm going to the beach!!!!!!!! YAY!! I loooooooooove the beach!!!!!!

Hope all you whities (er, and also non-whities) are getting some sun!!!