
Love Fool

So here's the problem with life and love and boys.

And right now I'm going off of my friend's boyfriend. Cause she's beautiful, inside and out. But he doesn't appreciate her fully. He's selfish. He thinks about himself only. Tonight is their anniversary, and she made plans for them. He then called and asked when they would be done eating so he could go hang out with friends and watch Brokeback Mountain (to make fun of it, no doubt).

Not the right answer!!! Shouldn't he be giving the WHOLE night to her and her alone? The night should be all about her...her name should be written in the stars and should surround his every thought. Not Brokeback Mountain.

And shouldn't women get roses? Shouldn't women be kissed without having to ask for it? Shouldn't they be loved unconditionally?

Is my answer yes to these questions because I've been brainwashed by a thousand Disney movies? Have I watched one too many Johnny Depp movies where he can't get enough of his woman?

All the boy band songs I adored, all the slightly funny romantic movies I watched religiously, all the pages of Pride & Prejudice I rejoiced reading...was it all a trick? Was I fooled to believe that love was one way while being totally blinded to the way it actually is?

I have another friend, who I will not name, that recently had some bruises on her arm. Curious, I asked, "Wow, where did you get those?"

"My Boyfriend," she answered.

"hahaha, yeah...but really..." I joked.

"No, my boyfriend gave them to me. Well, he's my ex now. But don't worry, he was drunk. It was an accident," she said, almost nonchallantly.

And guess what, she's still trying to be with him.

That's not love. That's not the kind of Mr. Darcy I want. I just don't understand why girls settle. Why settle for second best? Or, is this the real question: Are my standards too high?