
I'm Not a Wussy

So I've been trying to do my taxes today, but instead I've been watching High Fidelity (again). I guess you can say I haven't tried at all. haha.

Random fact about Ashley: I was supposed to be born on April 15th--a.k.a. when taxes are due. Instead, I was born on March 3rd. Yes, I was a premie, if you haven't figured that out.

I am quite happy that it is Spring break. But I feel like I can't relax completely with classes and graduation looming over my week. I need to learn to relax. It's just nice to have the time off (to which I am dedicating to taxes...after I write this).


I'm at a point in my life where I don't really know what I want or where I'm going. I realized (in these past few days) that I was dedicating far too much energy into the thought of J. The friendship/relationship/toxic-ship I had with him was just too much. I really need to focus on myself now, and not attach to anyone else.

I've realized, this past year, just how strong I am. I'm made of iron or something. I have been beaten, bruised, pulled through the mud and I am still standing (but walking with a limp, haha). I know I've posted about this before, but it is amazing just how much humans can take and still survive. And I believe God has made us that way--really freakin' resilient.

So, Tim--yes, I'm calling you out--next time you make fun of my music choice, I'm going to have to take you down. Uh huh, wussy. ( Have you guys ever watched Titus by the way? That's the best way to say wussy).


  1. well, good to see i'm not the only one who still hasn't gotten around to taxes.

    you'd better watch out. soon you'll find yourself unknowingly inserting phrases like 'sentimental tacky crap', 'that's a cosby sweater', 'patchouli stink' and 'yes, i am a f***ing asshole' into regular conversation.

  2. No, my old roommate tells me to watch Titus, said I'd love it. Is it any good?

    And to watch High Fidelity is always fun for me; I love it when he does the top five things about Laura, and when he holds out his hand for number four, and doesn't say anything..that's f******' me, I'm telling you.

  3. I like the sound of this. My last relationship sucked away the past few years of my life, and it's not like you get that time back. Worrying about myself is pretty easy since I'm a relatively low-maintenance guy. I think this is probably the first time in my life where not only am I not dating someone, there's not even anyone I'm terribly interested in.

    Although I've been hit on a few times on this site, the prospective people have either been 1. several years/decades older than myself, 2. lived on the other side of the country/in other countries, 3. men.

    Damn, and I was kinda hoping someone in my zip code would discover me on this site, because I hate going outside.

  4. Geez. I'm never going to upset you again! Idk what I got myself into.

    I'll try to be more open to your music selections next time, as long as you promise me that you move on from J and focus on yourself and the life you are trying to lead.

    And I agree with not attaching to anyone else. You need to be COMPLETELY over everything before you can persue a relationship in an honest and healthy way. In the meantime, focus of friendships and family. As a good friend once said, "friends are the family we choose for ourselves".

    I hope everything goes well and that you have an awesome (and late!) spring break!

  5. raindog--I LOVE the Cosby Sweater line, makes me laugh EVERYTIME :)

    anthony--you MUST watch Titus!!!!!!! It is one of the most hilarious, well done TV shows I have EVER seen.

    frankie--maybe you should switch sides and start hitting on those men ;)

    tim--that's right! Actually, I can take criticism. I don't expect many guys to like british pop, don't worry :)
