
Lamb Chop Killa'

I used to watch Lamb Chop as a kid (what a morbid name). So I was really excited when I opened my mom's closet and Lamb Chop fell out. Turns out my mom bought it for my nephews, but forgot to give it to them (for Christmas). So, like a dork, I asked if could have her.

Ever since I brought her back to my apartment, my roommate Ali has despised her. Ali says that Lamb Chop's eyelashes are too big and make her look soulless. But I say that Ali's just jealous of those luscious, full eyelashes.

Ali thinks that Lamb Chop is going to eat her at night, so of course I play into this because I am evil. I enjoy torturing Ali by placing Lamb Chop next to her face while she is still asleep. Ali then wakes up and SURPRISE!

I guess it also doesn't help that Ali has an irrational fear of killer stuffed animals coming to life at night to terrorize humans.

hehehe. I like being evil. mwahahaha haha hahahaha *cough*


  1. Lamb Chop does look a bit stoned in that picture....

  2. Ha,ha. soulless eyes. You should terrify Ali EVERY night, so I can laugh. I love it.

  3. I never watched Lamb Chop as a kid, but I never had a problem with the show. Sesame Street was another thing altogether. Big Bird scared the shit out of me. I mean, how would you feel if you were asleep in your bed, and a 7" talking bird came out of your closet. That was the recurring dream I suffered through from ages 4 to 8.

  4. haha, frank...I actually liked Big Bird. Although he wasn't my favorite--Bert was. You know, the skinny, mean one with a unibrow. I have NO IDEA why :)

  5. I loved Lamb Chop when I was little. I remember annoying my cousins with "The Song That Never Ends." I know we had a Lamb Chop puppet at some point, but it's probably long gone.

  6. lamb chop was cool. certainly of the less frightening pbs series.

  7. You know, since you own Lamb Chop, I think you should take some ventriloquism classes. And dress like Sherrie.

  8. Better lamb chop attack than a stuffed clown! AAAAH!
