
Grace and Elegance

Today has been better than yesterday. Sometimes I feel like I'm on an un-fun rollercoaster. Weeeee! Not.

But I'm starting to remember what a great girl I am. I'm freakin' cute, okay? I'm not talking about my looks, I'm talking about my personality here. And, I'm really good at flirting. So I'll be doing lots of that of course (with random boys I don't want an attachment to, of course). I know I'm bragging...so what of it? :)

Too bad spring break is coming to a close. It hasn't been a relaxing spring break (uh, no). But it has been a life-changing spring break. Maybe that's the best kind.

I wouldn't ask for life to be anything other but a struggle and a learning experience. Makes things more interesting, right? The most fulfilling thing is knowing I can handle this struggle, and most of all, handle it with grace and elegance. Vengeance is not my style.

*pat myself on the back*

Here's to a better week, for you and for me ♥


  1. If only I could mindlessly flirt without sweating, blushing, stammering, and making a fool of myself.

    One of these days I'll emerge from my awkwardness and become a beautiful flirting butterfly. One of these days.

  2. I've been holding back on my flirty ways lately, and I think I need to bring that trick back out of the bag. It can be pretty fun, I'll admit. :) It's sad that you have to tease all those boys that you have no interest in! 'Tis quite lame.

    Congrats on a successful(?) spring break. I have also gone through life changing spring breaks. Let's just say they were two of the best weeks of my life!

  3. frankie--maybe you can be my young grasshopper and I can teach you my ways :)

    tim--I'm not a tease! Well, maybe sometimes. hehe.

  4. Tease v. - To arouse hope, desire, or curiosity in without affording satisfaction.

    flriting with boys you have no interest being with ... Tease, with a capitol T! :P

  5. I'm patting you on the back too!

  6. Just remember the touchy-feely thing, that guys are gonna' want to touch you back...and not in the friendly way you are doing it. They want that human touch, that special healinb..you know what healing I'm talking about.

    God, I sound like a Dad. You do your thang, just tell the boys to not misinterpret.
