
Sad songs and tarnished jewels.

So I had to copy Frank and Tim and put a little juke box thing on my page. You don't get it...I love juke boxes. I'm the girl begging other people for quarters so I can play just one more song.

The first song is called "Souvenir" by Counterfit...they are a band that has broken up, but I love their lyrics--unique, poetic and cutting.

The second song is called "Plane" by Jason Mraz. I just heard this song yesterday, actually, from my good friend Rachel. It captures the feeling of being a little lost when you're in pain. And it's got pianos and violins, my two favorites!!

Third is "Littlest Things" by Lily Allen. Lily is a kickass British artist who has the sweetest voice in the world. Again, this song is about heartache...it's a song all about longing. It's really quite beautiful.

I didn't mean to post all sad songs, but they are my favorite--I love their passion. They are tarnished jewels; they have a more interesting shine than the perfectly cut happy love song.

Take a listen if you dare. I posted these songs because they all speak to me; thus, taking a listen better explains who I am.



  1. "All
    You're at Urinetown!
    Your ticket should say Urinetown!
    No refunds, this is Urinetown!
    We'll keep that dough"

    Soundtrack now on iTunes. No joke. hahahaha love it.

    and isn't jason mraz amazing. next time i come remind me to bring his other stuff!

  2. ps. check out my pug pictures on myspace they are amazing and real pug puppies are soo cute

  3. haha, the best and worst musical i have ever seen...if that is possible :)

  4. I love Lilly Allen...and British people in general.

  5. Copycat!

    Haha, quality tracks, even though they're not the type of music I normally listen to. If they're important to you, then I'll take the time to listen to them :)

  6. Yeah, I figured you weren't a Jason Mraz fan, Frankie...haha.

  7. should i quote a certain line from a certain movie about pain, misery and loss? i won't. you probably know it better than me anyway. :)

    also, if you like violins have you ever listened to andrew bird? sad songs + violin.

  8. Love the Lily Allen. Kinda like the Jason Mraz, never heard him before.

  9. of course you like the Lily Allen, anthony...chick rock :)

  10. Never heard of Jason Mraz? Ouch, Anthony S.

  11. I like sad songs, but my favorite are the ones that have a nice little love story in them. Like Boston's "More than a Feeling" and Journey's "Don't Stop Believing"

    ... I feel like such a girl for typing that.

  12. love love love lily allen! she's on my iPod as I.... type!
