
Giving it a Chance.

I've been busy busy busy busy. Tomorrow I get to sleep in...yay! I mean, today, since tomorrow is already today because it's past 12. Am I making any sense what-so-ever?

I just have one thing to tell...I essentially got asked out on a date. By a friend I've had for over two years. This is intriguing...

But sometimes I think I scare myself out of these situations, and convince myself not to go through with it. Why yes, I'm scared of love...almost scared of having a good relationship. How messed up is that? So I need to not back out this time, and at least give it a chance...there's nothing wrong with taking a chance.

I'll provide more details later. He and I won't be having dinner till next week. Yeah, he asked me to dinner. I believe it is a date. And in case you were wondering--yes, he's latin.


  1. I have yet to go on the date...that's next week.

  2. Oooh! How intriguing ... hope the date goes well. I'm already looking forward to a love story. :)

  3. I'm all for being friends before lovers... but two years? Sounds like a romantic comedy waiting to happen.

  4. You can't resist the Latin lovers! Ha ha!

    I don't know why that was funny...
    give him a chance! I am always for the underdog!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hey it's pug angel. I am trying to figure out who this mystery latin boy is. I am wondering if I know him or not. If I don't I want details. If I know him, I want to know who!? haha I am sooo nosey. love you! and yeah don't back out of a date...it's just a date! Go out and have a good time! Enjoy the evening, and don't think too hard about what everything means...it will only freak you out!

  7. kat--haha. maybe. You're such a girl :)

    jay--well, I didn't look at him in that way in the past. So, although we've been friends, it was pretty platonic before. Some things change.

    anthony--your kind has a spell on me...hehehe.

    rach--haha. yeah you do know him. I'll send you message and let you know...
