
Fighting WWII All Over Again

A quick post about a convo I had with a young child at my new job today:

Little Girl: Will you help me pick a book to get out of this catalogue?

Me: Sure *thumbs through catalogue* Well, this one is about Nazis and the Holocaust. So it's a little sad, but probably a good book.

Little Girl: I'm a Nazi.

Me: Excuse me? I think you mean that you're German?

Little Girl: No. My family is related to Hitler, so I'm a Nazi.

Me ( a little flabbergasted): Well, that doesn't make you a Nazi...

So yeah. That was one incident on my first day. haha. I wanted to say "Little Girl! Don't go around telling people you're a Nazi!" Goodness. But overall, my day was good and the children were darling.

And. I. am. exhausted. After not having a job for awhile then watching 25 kids at one time...well, it's bed time for meeeee. Gooooooooooooooooodnight!


  1. Next time you see her go ahead and ask her about ODESSA, make sure to then give a wink as if you were in the know. She'll take it from there.

  2. Did she have a toothbrush mustache as well?

  3. Ah, little Nazi children, how adorable!

  4. I don't think your role as a teacher is to crush their tiny little dreams, even if they are genocidal in nature.

  5. Her parents must be very proud of the cute little tyrant.

  6. see, all the kids i'm around are all elmo this and big bird that and you get little hitler and her nazi pals. crazy west coast kids.

  7. I'm related to Lord Byron.

    I guess I'm a poet.
